How to Fix Http 401 Unauthorized Error

Mar 13, 2020 web

How to Fix Http 401 Unauthorized Error



What is Http 401

Http 401 is the most commonly occurring error that we encounter very often. The HTTP 401 Unauthorized is an HTTP status code that means the page that you are trying to access cannot be loaded until you enter a valid user ID and a password. If the request contains authentication credentials, and still 401 error occurs, this indicates that the request is denied for those particular credentials. The user can repeat the request with the new authorization header field.

Http 401 vs 403

In HTTP 401 error, even though the Authorization credentials are included, the error indicates that the request for those specific credentials is denied. While in HTTP 403, the server understood the request but is unable or denied to fulfill that request.

Fixing HTTP 401 Error

As with the most HTTP response codes, particularly those that indicate an error, the occurring of 401 Unauthorized errors can be challenging to properly diagnose and solve. Http 401 unauthorized is considered to be a client error response. 

Checking URL for Error

The first thing you should do is to check the URL for errors. It is quite possible that the 401 unauthorized error occurred because the URL was either typed incorrectly or the link that you chose indicates the wrong URL. 

Once you make sure that the URL is valid, then visit the main page of the website, and here look for the link that specifies login or Secure Access. Now enter your credentials here, and then retry the page again. In case if you have forgotten your credentials, you can try resetting your password by following the instructions on the page.

Reload the Page

It is just as simple as It seems. Closing down the page and then reopening the page might be enough to fix the 401 error. But only if the 401 error is caused by the misloaded page, otherwise you have to dive in deep to fix the problem.

Clear Browser Cache and Cookies

Sometimes there might be the wrong login credentials are stored locally on your browser which you are not aware of, this invalid information disrupts the login process and throws you the 401 error. So the next best thing to avoid this error is to clear web browser cache because this will remove invalid information and allow the page to download fresh files directly from the server. If your page does not need authorization and the problem persists then you should contact the website and inform them of the problem.

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